martes, 3 de enero de 2012


Make a question about something you would like to know from our everyday life.
Examples: Why do flowers have different colors?
How does the brain work?
The question will be the title of your report.

The basic purpose of your research report is to inform your readers - to share the facts and details you've learned through your research. It is also an opportunity to share any insights or conclusions that you reached. It has a serious, fairly formal tone.

Plagiarism is using someone else´s words or ideas as though they were your own. No matter how you use your sources (direct quotation, paraphrase, or summary), be sure to give credit for other people´s ideas as well as their words.
Direct quotation: copy the author´s exact words; put quotation marks at the beginning and end of any quoted passage.
Paraphrase: use original material but written in your own words.
Summary: include main ideas and the most important supporting ideas expressed in your own words.

In your report include: 1)the reason why you chose that topic;2) what has been said, thought or done about it in the past;3) mention if the information has changed over time;4) conclusions and how you felt after knowing the answer; 5) bibliography (at least three sources of information).

This must be written in Arial 12 and you have from January 30th. to February 3rd. to hand it in. You should write at least 350 words.
Do not forget to organize your ideas in paragraphs.
I will count as a partial exam.